Chronicling America – and Stanwoods too!

Melvin S. Stanwood and the Tri State Telephone Company
Melvin S. Stanwood and the Tri State Telephone Company

This photo has always intrigued me.  Knowing my grandmother’s uncle, Melvin Stanwood, made his way from city to city, town to town, bringing telephone lines to local citizens, it seemed highly probable this picture was somehow related to him.   Thanks to the Library of Congress and the Chronicling America project, I now know for sure.   This evening I downloaded the following article (Princeton Union [Princeton, MN] 12 Oct 1905) from

Princeton Union - Melvin Stanwood takes charge of Tri City Telephone
Princeton Union – Melvin Stanwood takes charge of Tri City Telephone

Most cool, is after scanning the photo in on my Flip Pal scanner and blowing it up, I now see that the gentleman in the center in the suit is Uncle Melvin himself!  How did I miss that before?  Moral of the story – keep revisiting web sites, keep searching – you never know what’s gonna turn up!

0 responses to “Chronicling America – and Stanwoods too!”

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    May you keep sharing your ancestor stories!

    Dr. Bill 😉
    Author of “13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories” and family saga novels:
    “Back to the Homeplace” and “The Homeplace Revisited”

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