New England 2011! Here we are!

After tons of planning and preparing for visits to multiple libraries and other repositories of ancient genealogical (and other!) records, WE’RE HERE IN NEW ENGLAND!!! 🙂 I absolutely LOVE the East coast, and would love to spend time here even if it wasn’t the region that my colonial ancestors lived!

Our trip has been rather interesting, starting with take off. Due to weather in Chicago where we had a layover, our flight out of San Diego was delayed. By the time we touched down in Boston, it was 2:30 a.m. We made it to our hotel about 4 a.m. on Thursday the 16th. Needless to say, we didn’t get the early start we’d wanted that day. I had quite a list of items to search for at the Massachusetts Archives and unfortunately didn’t quite get to them all. First on the list were items I’d promised to my wonderful cousin Clarke. However, the War of 1812 and Revolutionary Muster records were not to be found for Lemuel and Benjamin Bursley.

Moving on to my Stanwoods and Bradstreets, I had a little more luck.

Dr. Humphrey Bradstreet treats Capt. Greenleaf
Dr. Humphrey Bradstreet treats Capt. Greenleaf – 1695

Dr. Humphrey Bradstreet was my 8th great grandfather, very prominent in the Newbury, Massachusetts area. I was thrilled to find several records of his care and treatment of patients.

At the end of the day, Ed came back to the Archives to escort me to the subway. (I’m still a bit intimidated by the system…much prefer travel by auto. However, we learned last time we were here that cars in Boston can be quite challenging!) Here is a view of Boston from the University of Massachusetts, next to the Massachusetts Archives.

View of Boston
View of Boston from the University of Massachusetts

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