Petition for Incorporation of Milo, Maine provides signature of Aaron Day

A visit to the Maine State Archives last week provided the following priceless document:

Signatures of those petitioning for the incorporation of Milo, Maine
Signatures of those petitioning for the incorporation of Milo, Maine

To the honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Maine in Legislature assembled January 1823. The undersigned Inhabitants of the Township No. three i the seventh range of Township north of the Waldo Patent in the County of Penobscott Respectfully request that we labour under all the inconveniences incident to the unincorporated places To remedy which they respectfully request the Hon. Senate & House of Representatives to incorporate the said township into a town by the name of Milo with the powers privileges and immunities which other Towns in this State injoy as in duty bound we ever pray

Benjamin Sargent
Stephen Snow
Moses Snow
Lemuel Shipley
Theople Sargent
John W Tompson
Henry B Sargent
Winborn A Swett
Ichabod W Mitchell
Daniel Cook
James Whidden
James H. Haines
Lemuel Y Shipley
George W Whidden
Asa W Bump
Luther Keen
Isaac Harding
Josiah Swett
Jacob Mayo
Elijah Johnston
Solemon Howlier
Isaac Pray
John Whidden
Samuel Livermore
Aaron Day  

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