Tag: Wasgatt

  • Wise Wasgatts

    Last Friday was a genealogist’s dream – I received five deeds and three probate files in the mail.  Of particular interest was the probate record for my 5th Great Grandfather, Thomas Wasgatt, who died 19 May 1820.  Shown above is the signature of his wife, Hannah (Thomas) Wasgatt, who acknowledged in writing her “allowance” from…

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  • Technology and Tracing Thomas

    My favorite ancestor is Betsy (Wasgatt) Stanwood.  She was one tough lady.   She was five months pregnant when she married my 4th great grandfather, Benjamin Stanwood, in 1808.  Not exactly politically correct in the early 19th century.  When Benjamin died, she managed the family farm, and was listed as head of house on nearly…

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  • Maine’s move to digitize deeds – oh yeah!

    Researching deeds has always felt cumbersome to me.   Unless you live in the area where your ancestors resided (not me), or visit the courthouse in the county where they lived (not feasible to do routinely, if, like me, you live on the opposite coast from your forebears), the easiest way to research deeds is to…

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  • Why Genealogy? And the pictures that started it all!

    Last night I went to the Family History Center just long enough to order the microfilms I needed for Somerset County, PA – taxes, naturalization records, church records, etc. Yup, just a brief stop and then I’d head home and start my after-work chores. Well, lucky for me, two of the eight films I’d planned…

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